Ajahn Anan Podcast
Ajahn Anan Podcast
The Merit of Giving Service, Rejoicing, and Sharing Merits

In this videoconference talk from 11 December 2020, Ajahn Anan describes the merit and goodness that arises from rendering services, rejoicing in other’s merits, and sharing merits with others.

“So I would like to give my anumodana [rejoicing] to all of you who have rendered services in all kinds of activities and have spread the merit to all living beings. Anumodana to all the merits that everyone has done and all of can anumodana with each other’s good actions. May you all grow in Dhamma and in blessings.”

Ajahn Anan Podcast
Ajahn Anan Podcast
Why Are We Here? by Ven. Ajahn Chah

Not long before he lost his speech and slipped into his final illness, Ajahn Chah gave this teaching. He compassionately uses his own failing body as the starting point for this deep reflection on the nature of life and death, and how we can find a true refuge for our own hearts.

To listen to most recent talks, you can visit our YouTube page: https://www.youtube.com/ajahnanan

To join Ajahn Anan and the Wat Marp Jan Community online for daily chanting, meditation, and a Dhamma talk, you can email wmjdhamma@gmail.com for the link. Every day 7-9 p.m. Indochina Time (Bangkok, GMT + 7).

Ajahn Anan Podcast
Ajahn Anan Podcast
Time Well Spent

The days and nights never stay still, but are constantly passing us by. We should reflect on this so that we give the time we have due importance and use it for achieving our goal—realizing truth.

To listen to most recent talks, you can visit our YouTube page: https://www.youtube.com/ajahnanan

To join Ajahn Anan and the Wat Marp Jan Community online for daily chanting, meditation, and a Dhamma talk, you can email wmjdhamma@gmail.com for the link. Every day 7-9 p.m. Indochina Time (Bangkok, GMT + 7).

Ajahn Anan Podcast
Ajahn Anan Podcast
What We Really Should Know

In this evening talk, Ajahn Anan tells us how we can get to understand our bodies and minds—things that we really should know about already.

Ajahn Anan Podcast
Ajahn Anan Podcast
The Blessings of Humility

In this videoconference talk from 4 December 2020, Ajahn Anan describes the merit and goodness that arises from humility and reverence.

Ajahn Anan Podcast
Ajahn Anan Podcast
Just This Much by Ven. Ajahn Chah

External study is hard to get finished, but inner study does have a point of completion. In this short Dharma talk, Ajahn Chah explains to us how all the teachings of the Buddha take us to look at our body, speech and mind. If we understand just these three things, we’ll know the taste of freedom.

Ajahn Anan Podcast
Ajahn Anan Podcast
Everything is Dhamma

After the evening chanting, Ajahn Anan teaches us to view all phenomena—whether skillful or unskillful—as simply dhammas that have arisen. This helps us to avoid the pain and difficulties that come from taking it all so personally.

Ajahn Anan Podcast
Ajahn Anan Podcast
The Most Precious Jewels in the Three Worlds

If we give the practice our best shot, the jewels of the Buddha and Dhamma will transform our hearts into the jewel of the Sangha.

Ajahn Anan Podcast
Ajahn Anan Podcast
The Merit of Right View

In this videoconference talk from 27 November 2020, Ajahn Anan describes the 10 types of conventional right view and the merits and goodness that arise from having right/correct view.

Ajahn Anan Podcast
Ajahn Anan Podcast
Still, Flowing Water by Ven. Ajahn Chah

In this deeply insightful talk, Ajahn Chah clearly explains the path of practice and beautifully describes what it leads to—the awakened mind.

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