Ajahn Anan Podcast
Ajahn Anan Podcast
If I die, then I die — My Time with Luang Pu Chah

Ajahn Anan tells us of the lessons he learned from the years he spent with his teacher, and how these gave him the motivation and confidence to meet with terror and hardship.

Ajahn Anan Podcast
Ajahn Anan Podcast
Recollecting the Buddha’s Life and Disciples

By turning our thoughts to the Buddha and his disciples, our minds will grow joyful and radiant.

To join Ajahn Anan and the Wat Marp Jan Community online for daily chanting, meditation, and a Dhamma talk, you can email wmjdhamma@gmail.com for the link. Daily live sessions at 7.15pm – 9pm, Indochina Time (Bangkok, GMT+7).

Ajahn Anan Podcast
Ajahn Anan Podcast
Polishing Our Hearts

When we gain true knowledge of the things of this world, we’ll see that they have no real essence to them. What’s of genuine value and worth is the heart that’s been polished by the Dhamma. This is what brings us a lasting happiness that we simply cannot find in the world.

To join Ajahn Anan and the Wat Marp Jan Community online for daily chanting, meditation, and a Dhamma talk, you can email wmjdhamma@gmail.com for the link. Daily live sessions at 7.15pm – 9pm, Indochina Time (Bangkok, GMT+7).

Ajahn Anan Podcast
Ajahn Anan Podcast
Emulating the Great Disciples

Anathapindika and Lady Visakha were declared the foremost lay supporters of the Buddhasasana. They were stream-enterers and firm in their practice of the 5 precepts and 8 precepts on lunar observance days. For the laity, one practices following their example – practicing dana, sila, and bhavana to see clearly for oneself the Buddha in one’s own heart.

To join Ajahn Anan and the Wat Marp Jan Community online for daily chanting, meditation, and a Dhamma talk, you can email wmjdhamma@gmail.com for the link. Daily live sessions at 7.15pm – 9pm, Indochina Time (Bangkok, GMT+7).

Ajahn Anan Podcast
Ajahn Anan Podcast
Letting Go Through Wisdom

There’s a certain equanimity that comes through not knowing, not understanding and not caring, but it’s not right. What we’re after is the ability to put things down through wisdom.

To join Ajahn Anan and the Wat Marp Jan Community online for daily chanting, meditation, and a Dhamma talk, you can email wmjdhamma@gmail.com for the link. Daily live sessions at 7.15pm – 9pm, Indochina Time (Bangkok, GMT+7).

Ajahn Anan Podcast
Ajahn Anan Podcast
Born in the Age of the Dhamma

2021.11.30 | Even though we haven’t been born during the Buddha’s time, we have come into this world while the Buddha’s Dhamma is still here.

To join Ajahn Anan and the Wat Marp Jan Community online for daily chanting, meditation, and a Dhamma talk, you can email wmjdhamma@gmail.com for the link. Daily live sessions at 7.15pm – 9pm, Indochina Time (Bangkok, GMT+7).

Ajahn Anan Podcast
Ajahn Anan Podcast
We Need Peace

2021.11.29 | Inner calm is necessary for awakening to the Dhamma. In this talk, Ajahn Anan tells us ways of bringing our minds to peace and stability so they can gain wisdom.

To join Ajahn Anan and the Wat Marp Jan Community online for daily chanting, meditation, and a Dhamma talk, you can email wmjdhamma@gmail.com for the link. Daily live sessions at 7.15pm – 9pm, Indochina Time (Bangkok, GMT+7).

Ajahn Anan Podcast
Ajahn Anan Podcast
A Temple for Our Hearts: Wat Marp Jan’s 37th Anniversary

2021.11.28 | Having built the external temple through faith and effort, what we now need to do is build our inner temple.

To join Ajahn Anan and the Wat Marp Jan Community online for daily chanting, meditation, and a Dhamma talk, you can email wmjdhamma@gmail.com for the link. Daily live sessions at 7.15pm – 9pm, Indochina Time (Bangkok, GMT+7).

Ajahn Anan Podcast
Ajahn Anan Podcast
Peace, Contemplation, and Radiance

2021.11.23 | Delusion cannot affect the mind with wisdom, just as dark cannot affect the light. One trains the mind in a meditation object like loving-kindness or the in and out breathing, then one can contemplate the body. The well-trained mind brings happiness.

To join Ajahn Anan and the Wat Marp Jan Community online for daily chanting, meditation, and a Dhamma talk, you can email wmjdhamma@gmail.com for the link. Daily live sessions at 7pm – 9pm, Indochina Time (Bangkok, GMT+7).

Ajahn Anan Podcast
Ajahn Anan Podcast
Divine Abidings

2021.11.22 | The four divine abidings of metta, karuna, mudita, and upekkha are qualities a Dhamma practitioner cannot go without. Loving-kindness cools the fires in the heart and is directly linked to generosity, virtue, and the development of wisdom.

To join Ajahn Anan and the Wat Marp Jan Community online for daily chanting, meditation, and a Dhamma talk, you can email wmjdhamma@gmail.com for the link. Daily live sessions at 7pm – 9pm, Indochina Time (Bangkok, GMT+7).

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