‘May You Fill This Year with Goodness’ – A Dhamma talk given by Ajahn Anan on 1 Jan 2022.
To join Ajahn Anan and the Wat Marp Jan Community online for daily chanting, meditation, and a Dhamma talk, you can email wmjdhamma@gmail.com for the link. Daily live sessions at 7.15pm – 9pm, Indochina Time (Bangkok, GMT+7).
Only a peaceful and steady mind is able to see clearly into the truth. In order to gain this inner calm, however, we need to practise. By keeping the movements and activities of our bodies in mind, our hearts settle and turn bright. This is when insight can take place.
To join Ajahn Anan and the Wat Marp Jan Community online for daily chanting, meditation, and a Dhamma talk, you can email wmjdhamma@gmail.com for the link. Daily live sessions at 7.15pm – 9pm, Indochina Time (Bangkok, GMT+7).
Taking on the special practice of staying up and meditating all night long helps us to cultivate our powers of faith, effort and mindfulness.
To join Ajahn Anan and the Wat Marp Jan Community online for daily chanting, meditation, and a Dhamma talk, you can email wmjdhamma@gmail.com for the link. Daily live sessions at 7.15pm – 9pm, Indochina Time (Bangkok, GMT+7).
By raising up our energy and resolution, we can gain freedom from suffering.
To join Ajahn Anan and the Wat Marp Jan Community online for daily chanting, meditation, and a Dhamma talk, you can email wmjdhamma@gmail.com for the link. Daily live sessions at 7.15pm – 9pm, Indochina Time (Bangkok, GMT+7).
It is worth asking ourselves some questions: What is the nature of this body? Is it actually me? What in this world lasts? By inquiring into life in this way, our hearts grow wise.
To join Ajahn Anan and the Wat Marp Jan Community online for daily chanting, meditation, and a Dhamma talk, you can email wmjdhamma@gmail.com for the link. Daily live sessions at 7.15pm – 9pm, Indochina Time (Bangkok, GMT+7).
If we have an active mind that just won’t stay with the breath, then we need to direct our thoughts to think in a manner that brings calm. We can look at our bodies, for instance, bringing up the perception of their instability or unattractive nature.
To join Ajahn Anan and the Wat Marp Jan Community online for daily chanting, meditation, and a Dhamma talk, you can email wmjdhamma@gmail.com for the link. Daily live sessions at 7.15pm – 9pm, Indochina Time (Bangkok, GMT+7).
In whatever society we live in, we need to be of benefit to it. We do this through our kindness, sacrifice, consideration and virtue. But we also need to cultivate our hearts as well to bring them to peace and wisdom. The skill of living well in a group lies in getting out inner and outer work in balance.
To join Ajahn Anan and the Wat Marp Jan Community online for daily chanting, meditation, and a Dhamma talk, you can email wmjdhamma@gmail.com for the link. Daily live sessions at 7.15pm – 9pm, Indochina Time (Bangkok, GMT+7).
No one is able to take the things of this world with them when they die, and so they don’t hold much worth to them. Therefore, we should focus on seeking out that which is of true value: our own minds.
To join Ajahn Anan and the Wat Marp Jan Community online for daily chanting, meditation, and a Dhamma talk, you can email wmjdhamma@gmail.com for the link. Daily live sessions at 7.15pm – 9pm, Indochina Time (Bangkok, GMT+7).
2021.02.07 | The Earth is always spinning in orbit around the sun, but no matter how far it travels, it always comes back to the same spot. Likewise, for most people, life never really gets anywhere; each day is spent lost in the world. Time, however, is different—it is always moving onwards and never returns. Those with intelligence will spend their time left in this life walking along the path that leads to heaven and Dhamma.
To join Ajahn Anan and the Wat Marp Jan Community online for daily chanting, meditation, and a Dhamma talk, you can email wmjdhamma@gmail.com for the link. Daily live sessions at 7.15pm – 9pm, Indochina Time (Bangkok, GMT+7).
In this talk given to a gathering of monks, Ajahn Anan teaches on the standards of practice and living that he learned from Luang Pu Chah. He also explains how it is important to take time and place into account when applying these principles, adapting them where necessary to be appropriate for the situation at hand.
To join Ajahn Anan and the Wat Marp Jan Community online for daily chanting, meditation, and a Dhamma talk, you can email wmjdhamma@gmail.com for the link. Daily live sessions at 7.15pm – 9pm, Indochina Time (Bangkok, GMT+7).