A talk from 12 September, 2020.
A talk from 5 September, 2020.
Note: One can read talk transcripts with Q and A here: https://watmarpjan.org/en/dhamma-reflections/
In this videoconference talk, Ajahn Anan discusses wealth and poverty, both internal and external.
Note: One can read talk transcripts with Q and A here: https://watmarpjan.org/en/dhamma-reflections/
In this videoconference talk from 1 September 2017, Ajahn Anan discusses the story of a senior monk, Venerable Ajahn Thong, who used to live at Wat Marp Jan and is now an abbot of a nearby monastery.
Note: One can read this talk transcript with Q and A here: https://watmarpjan.org/en/venerable-ajahn-thong/
The videoconference talk from 1 June 2018.
“But when Venerable Subhadda, the last direct disciple, saw clearly with wisdom that this was a mental object, it was not the mind itself, then wisdom arose and his mind gathered together. His mind went beyond the world.”
Note: One can read this talk transcript with Q and A here: https://watmarpjan.org/en/parinibbana-and-ven-subaddha/
In this videoconference talk from 25 May 2018, Ajahn Anan discusses Visakha Puja.
Note: One can read this talk transcript with Q and A here: https://watmarpjan.org/en/visakha-puja/
In this videoconference talk from 18 May 2018, Ajahn Anan discusses monkey mind.
Note: One can read this talk transcript with Q and A here: https://watmarpjan.org/en/monkey-mind/
In this videoconference talk from 4 May 2018, Ajahn Anan discusses types of merit, or goodness, and other Dhamma themes.
Note: One can read this talk transcript with Q and A here: https://watmarpjan.org/en/mangala-sutta-merits-from-the-past/
A videoconference talk from 11 May, 2018.
Note: One can read this talk transcript with Q and A here: https://watmarpjan.org/en/training-the-inner-monkey/