The first chapter of the recently-uploaded audiobook of teachings from Ajahn Anan, a disciple of Ajahn Chah and abbot of Wat Marp Jan Monastery in Thailand. The book includes four Dhamma talks, progressing from the basics of meditation to more advanced stages of the Path. Includes a talk giving detailed accounts of Ajahn Anan’s own experiences in the practice. You may find the audiobook in its entirety on itunes now. For more information, visit www.watmarpjan.org/en.

From this videoconference talk from 26 July, 2019, Ajahn Anan discusses truthfulness and determination.
An excerpt: “All the people born in the world, whether a monk or layperson, must follow the law of karma. One does good, and one gets good results. One does bad, and one gets bad results. No one has the power to overcome the results of karma that one has done. But additana, determination, is building the power of one’s mind to be strong to set a goal, locking that goal in so that we will succeed in that. This sets the compass of one’s life, so that it is straight. So, if we have enough strength of determination, then we will be able to succeed. Our minds need to build parami – build dana, giving, build sila, morality, build bhavana, mental development, build goodness, then our determinations will succeed.”
Note: One can read this talk and others at the Wat Marp Jan ‘Reflections’ page, which also includes questions and answers with Ajahn Anan, which are not in the audio files. See: https://watmarpjan.org/en/dhamma-reflections/reflections-archive/

From this videoconference talk from 2 August, 2019, Ajahn Anan discusses the value of that which overflows from the mind, like the value of that which overflows from a teacup.
An excerpt: “Venerable Nan-in said, “For you as well, how can I put any more in to you? You are full of thoughts and views, following your own attachments and opinions. These two things will make you unable to understand Zen Buddhism. This is called ‘the teacup that is overflowing’.”
Note: One can read this talk and others at the Wat Marp Jan ‘Reflections’ page, which also includes questions and answers with Ajahn Anan, which are not in the audio files. See: https://watmarpjan.org/en/dhamma-reflections/reflections-archive/

From this videoconference talk from 9 August, 2019, Ajahn Anan discusses the topic of giving and helping others.
An excerpt: “Today we learn about the Dhamma topic of self-sacrifice. The Buddha said this quality of self -sacrifice is something good for getting rid of the mental defilements and the sense of self. When we stay together in a group, each person needs to have this sense of self-sacrifice and metta, the love and compassion to help one another.”
Note: One can read this talk and others at the Wat Marp Jan ‘Reflections’ page, which also includes questions and answers with Ajahn Anan, which are not in the audio files. See: https://watmarpjan.org/en/dhamma-reflections/reflections-archive/

From this videoconference talk from 16 August, 2019, Ajahn Anan discusses the way of practice and understanding nature.
An excerpt: “When we have wisdom, then we will be able to understand the truth of life, the truth of nature – that there is arising, persisting, and ceasing. Regardless of whether the Buddha becomes awakened, or doesn’t become awakened, the nature, the way things are, already exists. Our Buddha is the one who finds, understands, and becomes awakened to that nature. And after the Buddha has passed away into parinibbana, the nature of truth that is here already, is still here.”
Note: One can read this talk and others at the Wat Marp Jan ‘Reflections’ page, which also includes questions and answers with Ajahn Anan, which are not in the audio files. See: https://watmarpjan.org/en/dhamma-reflections/reflections-archive/

From this videoconference talk from 15 November, 2019, Ajahn Anan discusses the history of King Asoka and some great disciples of the Buddha.
An excerpt from the end of the talk: “Then we can see the sacca Dhamma, the truth of reality, that there is changing of compounded things. All things are in this breath of ours. When we have the breath, we have everything. When the breath stops then everything ends with it, as well. The decay and ending of all things comes from this decay and ending of the in and out breath first. So when we travel, we sit, stand, walk and lie down, we have the breath there with us, and these breaths that we have left are getting less and less in each passing moment. So may we establish ourselves in not being heedless. May you all grow in blessings.”
Note: One can read this talk and others at the Wat Marp Jan ‘Reflections’ page, which also includes questions and answers with Ajahn Anan, which are not in the audio files. See: https://watmarpjan.org/en/dhamma-reflections/reflections-archive/