Ajahn Anan Podcast
Ajahn Anan Podcast
Ratana Sutta in English

In this podcast, Ajahn Larry reads the Ratana Sutta in English.

The Ratana Sutta, or the Jewel Discourse, is a sutta that Ajahn Anan has recommended chanting particularly in the time of the Covid-19 pandemic. This sutta was taught by the Buddha as a way to help alleviate a plague afflicting the city of Vesali. When the monks chanted the sutta, the plague was dispelled and the city returned to prosperity.

One can listen peacefully or chant along in the Wat Marp Jan chanting book (pages 176-79): https://watmarpjan.org/en/audio-books/books/ (English translation included).

One can also see teachings in text form if one wishes: https://watmarpjan.org/en/dhamma-reflections/reflections-archive/

Ajahn Anan Podcast
Ajahn Anan Podcast
The Benefits of Samadhi - Collectedness

From this videoconference talk from 22 March 2019, Ajahn Anan discusses samadhi, or concentration, and its benefits.

An excerpt: “Concentration can help the mind to have radiance and become more subtle. It helps to reduce stress. It reduces anger and aggression. Concentration gathers the mind together and makes it strong. When the mind has the peace that comes from concentration, then there is also the quality of metta, or loving kindness, too.”

Note: One can read this talk and others at the Wat Marp Jan ‘Reflections’ page, which also includes questions and answers with Ajahn Anan, which are not in the audio files. See: https://watmarpjan.org/en/dhamma-reflections/reflections-archive/

Ajahn Anan Podcast
Ajahn Anan Podcast
Patient Forbearance and Gentle Composure

From this videoconference talk from 6 March 2020, Ajahn Anan discusses the importance of patient forbearance and gentle composure, stories from the Buddhist texts, and the relevance to the current outbreak of a coronavirus, Covid-19, around the world.

An excerpt: “The other quality that makes one beautiful is soracca. This translates as being gentle and composed in body, speech and mind. One makes the mind radiant and joyous. The body is composed because when one has patiently endured, then one doesn’t show any abnormal, harmful gestures.”

Note: One can read this talk and others at the Wat Marp Jan ‘Reflections’ page, which also includes questions and answers with Ajahn Anan, which are not in the audio files. See: https://watmarpjan.org/en/dhamma-reflections/reflections-archive/

Ajahn Anan Podcast
Ajahn Anan Podcast
Giving, True Refuge, and Covid-19

From this videoconference talk from 13 March 2020, Ajahn Anan discusses metta and giving, what our true refuge is, and the Covid-19 virus.

An excerpt: “May you take refuge in the Buddha, Dhamma, and Sangha as the highest refuge in our hearts, as our highest jewel and highest wealth. It is a noble wealth in our hearts. Each of us that has metta and self-sacrifice, then spread this heart of metta to ourselves and to all living beings, to all the people in the world. May all beings be free from dangers, and free from sickness.”

Note: One can read this talk and others at the Wat Marp Jan ‘Reflections’ page, which also includes questions and answers with Ajahn Anan, which are not in the audio files. See: https://watmarpjan.org/en/dhamma-reflections/reflections-archive/

Ajahn Anan Podcast
Ajahn Anan Podcast
Sigalamata Theri and Sigala

From this videoconference talk from 21 February 2020, Ajahn Anan discusses the great Bhikkhuni Sigalamata Theri, foremost in faith out of the Bhikkhuni Sangha, and her son, Sigala.

Two excerpts: “The Buddha knew she was there and that she had a still mind, her faith was at a good level, and then the Buddha gave a talk about the foundations of faith. Sigalamata understood and attained to arahantship. The Buddha established her as being foremost out of all the bhikkhunis in gaining liberation through faith.

“If our faith drops, then think of arahant bhikkhuni Sigalamata, and this can raise our faith. Our faith grows bit by bit, like drops of water falling into an open vessel.”

Note: One can read this talk and others at the Wat Marp Jan ‘Reflections’ page, which also includes questions and answers with Ajahn Anan, which are not in the audio files. See: https://watmarpjan.org/en/dhamma-reflections/reflections-archive/

Ajahn Anan Podcast
Ajahn Anan Podcast
Helping One Another

From this videoconference talk from 28 February 2020, Ajahn Anan discusses helping one another with sincerity, honesty, and generosity, especially in relation to the current outbreak of a coronavirus, Covid-19. A story of Bill Gates learning from a newspaper vendor is highlighted.

An excerpt: “The people who have received help are very grateful. In times of difficulties and crisis, if one still has friends that extend their kindness and compassion to each other, then our world will still be worth living in. We will live in a world where there are still people that give and where the receivers show appreciation. They become friends with each other. When different people cooperate like this, then they will be able to overcome obstacles and difficulties, like the spreading of the Covid-19 virus.”

Note: One can read this talk and others at the Wat Marp Jan ‘Reflections’ page, which also includes questions and answers with Ajahn Anan, which are not in the audio files. See: https://watmarpjan.org/en/dhamma-reflections/reflections-archive/

Ajahn Anan Podcast
Ajahn Anan Podcast
Venerable Khema Theri, the Bhikkhuni Foremost in Wisdom

From this videoconference talk from 20 September 2019, Ajahn Anan discusses a story from the Buddha’s time, the story of Venerable Khema Theri, the Bhikkhuni foremost in wisdom.

Two excerpts: “And at that moment, the Buddha read Queen Khema’s mind and he made the beautiful maiden’s body gradually change little by little. From a young age to middle age, and gradually changing to old age. Then the Queen grew dispassion at seeing that when the beautiful maiden changed to being old, that her beauty disappeared.

“…Queen Khema, who had full spiritual development,  attained to becoming an arahant with full mindfulness and wisdom, imbued with all the psychic powers, right at that time she was standing there.”

Note: One can read this talk and others at the Wat Marp Jan ‘Reflections’ page, which also includes questions and answers with Ajahn Anan, which are not in the audio files. See: https://watmarpjan.org/en/dhamma-reflections/reflections-archive/

Ajahn Anan Podcast
Ajahn Anan Podcast
Consistent Effort in the Practice

From this videoconference talk from 23 August 2019, Ajahn Anan discusses making consistent effort and uses a Zen story to illustrate this point.

Two excerpts: “When people come to practice Dhamma, they want results quickly. The quicker the better. We don’t want patience, we don’t want effort. We want it easy.

“So, can we see? That the ones who will gain freedom from suffering do so from their effort. This is as the Buddha taught. All the Buddhas, whose virtues we praise, had great compassion that is unbounded and unequalled.”

Note: One can read this talk and others, including questions and answers with Ajahn Anan, which are not in the audio files. See: https://watmarpjan.org/en/making-effort/

Ajahn Anan Podcast
Ajahn Anan Podcast
Making the Mind New

From this videoconference talk from 27 December 2019, Ajahn Anan discusses a range of topics under the theme of reflecting on the past year and preparing for the new year. An interesting analogy that Luang Pu Chah used for the 4 Noble Truths is referenced.

An excerpt: “So we have to come to train the mind. And in this new year that is approaching, we have to be determined to make our mind new. We will have new things come in. The new exterior things are normal for the world, but we need to make the new things arise in the mind. Make the mind better than in the past. And this comes from mental cultivation.

May you be very determined in this life. We have a very good chance to train in the Dhamma. We have met the Dhamma of the Buddha. And the chance to meet the Dhamma and to have faith in it, this is not easy to get at all. It relies on our having built spiritual accumulations and merit. If you still have birth, then may you have completeness, until you reach Nibbana. May you grow in blessings”

Note: One can read this talk and others at the Wat Marp Jan ‘Reflections’ page, which also includes questions and answers with Ajahn Anan, which are not in the audio files. See: https://watmarpjan.org/en/dhamma-reflections/reflections-archive/

Ajahn Anan Podcast
Ajahn Anan Podcast
New Year's, Impermanence, and Chanting

From this videoconference talk from 3 January, 2020, Ajahn Anan discusses the topics of the new year’s holiday, change, and the benefits of chanting.

An excerpt: “All the things of this world are of the nature to change. For a very long time, the bodies of the people who have been born into this world have been evolving according to nature. But the mind that has not been trained, doesn’t evolve. It doesn’t develop and improve…. So this year, we will come to improve our minds. We will have an unwavering determination to build goodness.”

Note: One can read this talk and others at the Wat Marp Jan ‘Reflections’ page, which also includes questions and answers with Ajahn Anan, which are not in the audio files. See: https://watmarpjan.org/en/dhamma-reflections/reflections-archive/

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