Ajahn Anan Podcast
Ajahn Anan Podcast
Shining Light Into Darkness

During the evening meditation, Ajahn Anan tells us how the Dhamma is what brings light into our hearts. He then goes on to talk about the kamma of covid.

Given on 21st April 2020

Ajahn Anan Podcast
Ajahn Anan Podcast
The Worth of Inner Wealth

After the evening chanting, Ajahn talks about the hindrances that obstruct the natural brightness of our minds. He says that being freed from them is like coming home after a long journey, or buying our freedom from slavery. He then goes on to talk about different kinds of wealth. Viruses can easily destroy our possessions in the world, but they can’t touch the wealth in our hearts.

Ajahn Anan Podcast
Ajahn Anan Podcast
The Story of Venerable Kisa Gotami Theri

In this videoconference talk from 17 April 2020, Ajahn Anan discusses the story of Venerable Kisa Gotami Theri and relating to Covid-19 skillfully, such as through reflecting on impermanence and the inevitability of death.

Note: One can read this talk and others at the Wat Marp Jan ‘Reflections’ page, which also includes questions and answers with Ajahn Anan, which are not in the audio files. See: https://watmarpjan.org/en/dhamma-reflections/reflections-archive/

Ajahn Anan Podcast
Ajahn Anan Podcast
Harmony and Reconciliation

In this videoconference talk from 19 October 2018, Ajahn Anan discusses harmony.

An excerpt: “It is normal that our views are different and our likes are different. But we won’t argue because of these differences of views. This makes us able to live together happily. Even in one family living together – for a husband and wife, it is normal that their thoughts won’t be the same on everything. But they both need to listen to the reasons behind their views and be able to live together.”

Note: One can read this talk and others at the Wat Marp Jan ‘Reflections’ page, which also includes questions and answers with Ajahn Anan, which are not in the audio files. See: https://watmarpjan.org/en/dhamma-reflections/reflections-archive/

Ajahn Anan Podcast
Ajahn Anan Podcast
Going the Right Way and Avoiding Fools

From this videoconference talk from 4 January 2019, Ajahn Anan discusses avoiding fools and choosing the right path in life, among other topics.

An excerpt: “So then for the people who love to improve themselves, who love to have happiness in their lives, then it is necessary to establish one’s goal in the correct way first. From there, they go and search and look for the knowledge and skills or having the effort and perseverance to make sure that one gets to that correct goal in one’s life. Here, this is called establishing oneself rightly. It is one of the highest blessings out of the 38 in the Mangala Sutta.”

Note: One can read Dhamma talk transcripts at the Wat Marp Jan ‘Reflections’ page. These include questions and answers with Ajahn Anan, which are not in the audio files. See: https://watmarpjan.org/en/dhamma-reflections/reflections-archive/

Ajahn Anan Podcast
Ajahn Anan Podcast
Venerable Rahula, Son of the Buddha

From this videoconference talk from 19 April 2019, Ajahn Anan discusses Venerable Rahula, the son of the Buddha.

An excerpt: “Venerable Rahula had made a lot of parami in uncountable lifetimes. He had made the determination in the past to be foremost in being intent in learning and training. Upon coming to this life, his aspirations were realised through his spiritual determination.”

Note: One can read Dhamma talk transcripts at the Wat Marp Jan ‘Reflections’ page, which also includes questions and answers with Ajahn Anan, which are not in the audio files. See: https://watmarpjan.org/en/dhamma-reflections/reflections-archive/

Ajahn Anan Podcast
Ajahn Anan Podcast
The Wisdom of Recollecting our Goodness

During the evening meditation session, Ajahn Anan explains how even though many people may be confined to their houses now, we can still create merit by remembering all the good actions that we have already done. These wholesome deeds are stored within us, so we can bring them out to lift up our hearts under any circumstances.

Ajahn Anan Podcast
Ajahn Anan Podcast
Harmony, Zen Style

In this videoconference talk from 29 March 2019, Ajahn Anan discusses concentration and communal bonding.

An excerpt: “Sometimes people may ask, in this life will I be able to have concentration? If one has effort and diligence, then one will be able to gain concentration. If one is determined to make their hearts have peace and inner happiness, then they must keep trying and putting forth effort. If concentration arises then the mind is cool. It’s like planting a tree and the tree slowly grows bigger.”

Note: One can read Dhamma talk transcripts at the Wat Marp Jan ‘Reflections’ page, which also includes questions and answers with Ajahn Anan, which are not in the audio files. See: https://watmarpjan.org/en/dhamma-reflections/reflections-archive/

Ajahn Anan Podcast
Ajahn Anan Podcast
Training to Give Up Selfishness

From this videoconference talk from 11 January 2019, Ajahn Anan discusses training, self-giving, and discipline.

An excerpt: “Because when we sacrifice already, then when there isn’t anything more left to do, we are at ease. We can sit meditation, we can practice training the mind, and the mind is spacious and serene. Because we have reduced and given up our selfishness. Self-sacrifice is something that destroys selfishness. It destroys the sense of self, and ends this holding onto ‘this is me’ and ‘this is mine’.”

Note: One can read Dhamma talk transcripts at the Wat Marp Jan ‘Reflections’ page. These include questions and answers with Ajahn Anan, which are not in the audio files. See: https://watmarpjan.org/en/dhamma-reflections/reflections-archive/

Ajahn Anan Podcast
Ajahn Anan Podcast
From the Dhamma Videoconference #10

This videoconference talk with Ajahn Anan includes the questions and answers after the formal talk.

Note: One can read Dhamma talk transcripts at the Wat Marp Jan ‘Reflections’ page. See: https://watmarpjan.org/en/dhamma-reflections/reflections-archive/

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