Ajahn Anan Podcast
Ajahn Anan Podcast
Short Meditation Instructions and Encouragement

Brief instructions to the monks and laity to start off the evening meditation period.

Ajahn Anan Podcast
Ajahn Anan Podcast
Where Are You Going?

In this evening meditation Dhamma talk, Ajahn Anan tells a story of a wise young girl answering questions that the Buddha put to her, and how those answers are especially relevant to our lives now.

Given on 11/04/2020

Ajahn Anan Podcast
Ajahn Anan Podcast
From the Dhamma Videoconference #9

This videoconference talk with Ajahn Anan includes the questions and answers after the formal talk.

Note: One can read Dhamma talk transcripts at the Wat Marp Jan ‘Reflections’ page. See: https://watmarpjan.org/en/dhamma-reflections/reflections-archive/

Ajahn Anan Podcast
Ajahn Anan Podcast
From the Dhamma Videoconference #8

This videoconference talk with Ajahn Anan includes the questions and answers after the formal talk.

Note: One can read Dhamma talk transcripts at the Wat Marp Jan ‘Reflections’ page. See: https://watmarpjan.org/en/dhamma-reflections/reflections-archive/

Ajahn Anan Podcast
Ajahn Anan Podcast
From the Dhamma Videoconference #7

This videoconference talk with Ajahn Anan includes the questions and answers after the formal talk.

Note: One can read Dhamma talk transcripts at the Wat Marp Jan ‘Reflections’ page. See: https://watmarpjan.org/en/dhamma-reflections/reflections-archive/

Ajahn Anan Podcast
Ajahn Anan Podcast
Right Attitude in Relationships - The Mountaintop

From this videoconference talk from 12 April 2019, Ajahn Anan discusses having the right attitude in relationships and discusses a Zen story on this topic.

An excerpt: “Last week we learned that for the mind to have happiness in life, it must have the 4 divine abidings of metta, or loving kindness, karuna, or compassion, mudita, or appreciate joy, and upekkha, or equanimity. When the mind has these 4 divine abidings to a good level, then the 5 moral precepts can be maintained with ease. This is because, with the four divine abidings, we are happy when others do well, and when others make mistakes out of delusion, we don’t punish them for it and we have equanimity. We wait for the time when we can help them according to our ability.”

Note: One can read Dhamma talk transcripts at the Wat Marp Jan ‘Reflections’ page, which also includes questions and answers with Ajahn Anan, which are not in the audio files. See: https://watmarpjan.org/en/dhamma-reflections/reflections-archive/

Ajahn Anan Podcast
Ajahn Anan Podcast
From the Dhamma Videoconference #6

This videoconference talk with Ajahn Anan includes the questions and answers after the formal talk.

Note: One can read Dhamma talk transcripts at the Wat Marp Jan ‘Reflections’ page. See: https://watmarpjan.org/en/dhamma-reflections/reflections-archive/

Ajahn Anan Podcast
Ajahn Anan Podcast
Letting Go Even of This

A translation of a talk given by Ajahn Anan on February 16th, 2020. In it, he speaks about what a practitioner must do to cultivate refined states of concentration and, once they have attained them, what they must do to uproot the sense of self that attaches even to these.

Ajahn Anan Podcast
Ajahn Anan Podcast
Coping with Covid-19 through Virtue and Concentration

In this videoconference talk from 10 April, 2020, Ajahn Anan discusses virtue and concentration as ways to help deal with the virus pandemic currently affecting the world, Covid-19.

An excerpt: “…if they uphold sila, then this leads to peace. What are the benefits of sila? silena sugatim yanti- sila leads to happiness. Silena bhoga sampada – sila leads to wealth in one’s mind – it is a noble wealth. Sila leads coolness (peacefulness) to arise – that is nibbana.”

Note: One can read other talks at the Wat Marp Jan ‘Reflections’ page, which also includes questions and answers with Ajahn Anan, which are not in the audio files. One can read this talk here: https://watmarpjan.org/en/april-10-2020/

Ajahn Anan Podcast
Ajahn Anan Podcast
Contemplation for Joy During Hard Times

A talk given during the evening meditation on how to use the active mind to recollect the Buddha or investigate the nature of form to bring up feelings of calm and joy within. Ajahn Anan then explains how viruses and crises like these are nothing new, in fact they are normal.

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