Ajahn Anan Podcast
Ajahn Anan Podcast
The Mind Matters More

To highlight the importance of mindfulness, Ajahn Anan teaches us to not let our cow eat all the rice.

Given on 28th April 2020

Ajahn Anan Podcast
Ajahn Anan Podcast
The Heart of a Bodhisattva

In this videoconference talk from 22 December 2017, Ajahn Anan discusses how to give and receive with wisdom, the unity of religions, a special reflection regarding Christianity, and more.

Note: One can read this talk at https://watmarpjan.org/en/giving-and-receiving-the-unity-of-religions-and-lovingkindness/ which also includes questions and answers with Ajahn Anan, which are not in the audio files.

Ajahn Anan Podcast
Ajahn Anan Podcast
Covid-19 and the Workings of Kamma

In this videoconference talk from 24 April 2020, [updated as the previous audio file was incomplete] Ajahn Anan discusses the workings of karmic cause and result, how the nature of the human body is to get sick, how Covid-19 has helped reduce human overconsumption and greedy behavior, and how we should not steal from or harm others but should practice generosity and helping each other.

Note: One can read this talk and others at the Wat Marp Jan ‘Reflections’ page, which also includes questions and answers with Ajahn Anan, which are not in the audio files. See: https://watmarpjan.org/en/dhamma-reflections/reflections-archive/

Ajahn Anan Podcast
Ajahn Anan Podcast
The Drawbacks of Bodies

After the evening chanting, Ajahn Anan tells us how seeing the stress and danger in clinging to physical forms brings beauty into our minds.

Given on 22nd April 2020

Ajahn Anan Podcast
Ajahn Anan Podcast
Paritta Chanting for Blessing and Protection

This chanting, led by Ajahn Anan, is done regularly at Wat Marp Jan. Chanting is a skillful way to quiet the mind and reflect on liberating teachings. This chant is traditionally used for blessings and protection, especially on holidays or other auspicious occasions, though it can be recited at any time.

One can listen peacefully or chant along in the Wat Marp Jan chanting book (pages 163-211): https://watmarpjan.org/en/audio-books/books/ (English translation included).

Ajahn Anan Podcast
Ajahn Anan Podcast
Bones Blossoming Into Flowers

On a stormy and thunderous night, Ajahn Anan tells us of the terror he faced as a young monk when went to stay in charnel grounds, and what we can all gain by not giving in to our fears. Unfortunately the thunder had ceased by the time the translation was given, but you can use your imagination.

Given on 23rd April 2020

Ajahn Anan Podcast
Ajahn Anan Podcast
Giving to Abandon Greed

Ajahn Anan tells us how to deal with unwholesome tendencies when they come up strong.

Given on 20th April 2020

Ajahn Anan Podcast
Ajahn Anan Podcast
Firmly Established in Body and Mind

With the outbreak of covid-19, Ajahn Anan let us know how the various forms of being collected and grounded can keep us safe. Firstly, there’s staying grounded within the regulations that the governments set up, then keeping our minds collected in our breath.

Given on March 31st, 2020

Ajahn Anan Podcast
Ajahn Anan Podcast
The Drama of Life

After the evening chanting, Ajahn Anan teaches that the fickle nature of wealth and status is especially obvious during difficult times such as these, and we are really no different from actors in a play.

Given on 19th April 2020

Ajahn Anan Podcast
Ajahn Anan Podcast
Venerable Ananda Thera

In this videoconference talk from 8 May 2020, Ajahn Anan discusses the Buddha’s foremost attendant, Venerable Ananda Thera, who was also foremost in memory and known as the ‘Guardian of the Dhamma.”

Note: One can read such talks at the Wat Marp Jan ‘Reflections’ page, which also includes questions and answers with Ajahn Anan, which are not in the audio files. See: https://watmarpjan.org/en/dhamma-reflections/reflections-archive/

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